Attention Middle-High School Parents
Parents of students in grades 6-12, please review the student handbook for the grade level that your child attends and complete the online Family and Student Acknowledgement, Media Release and Skyward Information Update form.  Grades 6 through 8, please review the middle school handbook.  Grades 9 through 12 please review the high school handbook.  You are required to complete this form prior to the start of the school day on September 23rd.  Students who have not had this form completed by then will be placed on the Restricted List.  Information about the Restricted List can be found in the student handbooks.  These students will be ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities until this form is completed.  The link for the online form can be found below:

PSBA Policy Notification

PSBA Policy Notification

Section 510.2.  Publication of Rules, Regulations and Policies.--The board of school directors of a school district shall post on its publicly accessible Internet website the following rules, regulations and policies to the extent that they are required to be adopted by the school district under Federal or State law:

(1)  The following relating to students:
Policy Section 200
(i)  Admission of beginners.
(ii)  Attendance, excusals and truancy.
(iii)  Withdrawal from school.
(iv)  Student discipline.
(v)  Suspension and expulsion of students.
(vi)  Searches.

Policy Section 800
(vii)  Audio interception on school buses or school vehicles for disciplinary or security persons.
(viii)  Retention, maintenance and access to student records.

Policy Section 200
(ix)  Use of personal electronic devices.
(x)  Dress and grooming.
(xi)  Student complaint process.
(xii)  Parent appeal of a school district's placement of twins or multiple birth siblings.

Policy Section 100
(xiii)  Participation by home school students in school district extracurricular activities.

(2)  The following relating to educational programs:
Policy Section 100
(i)  Curriculum review by parents and students.

Policy Section 200
(ii)  Promotion and retention.
(iii)  Graduation requirements.

(3)  The following relating to student health:
(i)  Communicable diseases and immunization.

Policy Section 200
(ii)  Health examinations and screenings.
(iii)  Student use of medications.
(iv)  The school district's wellness policy.

(4)  The following relating to school property:
Policy Section 700
(i)  Use of school property and facilities.
(ii)  School visitation policies.
(iii)  Integrated pest management plan.

(5)  The following relating to community:
Policy Section 900
(i)  Public participation in school board meetings.
(ii)  Public attendance at school events.
(iii)  Parental involvement policy for parents and guardians of students participating pursuant to section 1118 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-10, 20 U.S.C § 6318).
(iv)  Public access to and use of school district buildings, facilities and grounds.
(v)  Public complaint process
View text-based website