
Human Resources Requirements

All new employees of the Brentwood Borough School District are required to complete the PA Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release form (available below). This form must be completed for the applicant’s current employer.  Additional forms must also be submitted for each position within the applicant's entire work history where they have had direct contact with children (i.e. previous teaching, day care, camp counselor positions, etc.).

Applicants complete page 1 of the form, sign and date page 2, and submit with application materials. The District is responsible for ensuring completion of Section 2 by the current/former employers.    

All applicants are also required to obtain the following clearances: 

  • Act 34 PA Criminal History Record Check
    Obtain online thru the ePATCH website.  Print a copy of the clearance certificate and submit to the Administrative Office.

  • Act 151 PA Child Abuse History Clearance
    Obtain online thru the Child Welfare Portal
    Print a copy of the clearance certificate and submit to the Administrative Office.

  • Act 114 FBI Criminal History (Fingerprint)
    Candidates can register to have their fingerprints taken at the new IDEMIA/Identogo locations. The process requires preregistration at https://uenroll.identogo.com and a service code for Pennsylvania public schools: 1KG6XN.  When you enroll, you are given the opportunity to schedule an appointment at a local fingerprinting site.  The updated fee for the clearance is $22.60. Candidates will need to select an appropriate identification document as a part of their registration and must bring it with them to the site when they are fingerprinted.

Note: Clearances originally obtained in order to volunteer, may not be used for employment.  

Here is a link with frequently asked questions concerning required clearances for public school employees. Hopefully this will answer any questions you may have.

FAQ - Clearances.pdf

Additional links and forms listed below.

EEO and Tile IX

EEO and Title IX Statement

Brentwood Borough School District does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, genetic information or any other legally-protected category. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with State Law including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and with Federal law, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

For more information, please contact:
Brentwood Borough School District        
Dr. Christine Winiarski
EEO Title IX Officer
3601 Brownsville Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
Phone:  412-881-2227 ext. 2215
FAX:  412-881-1640
Brentwood Borough School District
Mrs. Michelle Fusco
Secretary to the Superintendent
3601 Brownsville Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15227
Email:  [email protected]  
Phone:  412-881-2227 ext. 2400
Fax:  412-881-1640

Title IX Training

Training #1 - September 3, 2020 (Maiello & Tristate)  Title IX Workshop (Maiello & Tristate).ppt
Training #2 - April 7, 2021 (Tucker Arensberg)  Title IX Training (Tucker Arensberg).pdf   

Policy 104                              

Part Time Positions

The Brentwood Borough School District is looking for Security Officers and School Police Officers on a part-time basis.  Job descriptions for each position are listed below.  Anyone interested in these positions, should complete an application (non-teaching application – found at the bottom of this webpage on the lower left) as well as a resume and any appropriate certificates relating to the position, and send this information to Mr. Jeremy Bogdanski, Director of School Police and Security, Brentwood Borough School District, 3601 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA  15227 or send the information electronically to Mr. Bogdanski at [email protected] If you need additional information, Mr. Bogdanski can be reached at 412-881-2227 Ext. 2301.



The Brentwood Borough School District now uses Precision HR Solutions, Inc. to staff Substitute Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Nurses, Secretaries, and Custodians for the District. Precision is looking for New Substitutes in all of these areas for the Brentwood Borough School District. If you are interested in subbing, please feel free to contact www.PrecisionHR.net or call 1-888-416-4338.

Equal Opportunity Educational Institution

The Brentwood Borough School District is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disabilities in its activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504.  For information regarding this policy, please call 412-881-2227. 


For all applicants, applications will be held on file with the District for one year.  The Brentwood Borough School District will contact you should you be selected for an interview.
Thank you for your interest in the Brentwood Borough School District.  Positions currently available are listed below:
View text-based website