Elementary Handbook

Elementary Handbook

Brentwood Borough School District 
Elementary Handbook
Elroy Elementary School
Mrs. Jennifer Zunic, Principal
 3129 Elroy Avenue
 Pittsburgh, PA 15227
 Phone: 412-881-4484
Fax: 412-881-9448

Kindergarten through Fifth Grade
School Hours
Breakfast Begins
Pupils Admitted
7:45 a.m.
8:10 a.m.
Homeroom Begins
8:15 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
Dismissal on Half Days
11:10 a.m.
Please note there is no lunch service on half days.
Office Hours
7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Please Note:  The purpose of this handbook is to give Brentwood Elementary students and families an understanding of general information, rules, and guidelines that are necessary to promote a quality educational experience in our schools.   Students and families should be aware that due to changes in Board policy, law or State and Federal mandates, the handbook me be revised and/or amended as necessary at the discretion of the school administration.

District Information

Brentwood maintains a district website that can be accessed at http://www.bb-sd.com.  Please visit the website for building and district information and resources. 
School Board meetings are open to the public and are generally held on the second and third Monday of the month.  A full listing of meeting dates can be found on the district website under the School Board tab.  All meetings are governed by the rules outlined in Board Policy 006.
Annually the Board of Directors conducts a formal written performance assessment of the Superintendent as required by law and described in Policy 312.

Mission of the Brentwood School District

It is the mission of the Brentwood Borough School District to develop in all students the skills to think critically by reasoning, creating, connecting, and transforming in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century and achieve to their fullest potential as ethical citizens.

Vision of the Brentwood School District

It is the vision of the Brentwood Borough School District for all students to graduate prepared to meet the challenges of a complex society through lifelong learning skills that will allow them to be successful in college, career, and their individual life goals.

Central Office Administration

Dr. Amy Burch
Mrs. Stephanie DeLuca 
Coordinator of Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development
Dr. Christine Winiarski 
Coordinator of Special Education
Mrs. Jennifer Pesanka 
Business Manager
Mr. Jeff George
Director of Facilities
Mr. Jeremy Bogdanski
Director of School Police and Security


Brentwood Borough School District does not discriminate in its educational programs, activities or employment practices based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, ancestry, genetic information or any other legally protected category. Announcement of this policy is in accordance with State Law including the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act and with Federal law, including Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.For additional information please see Board Policies 103, 103.1, and 104.

Family Rights and Privacy Act

The following information is intended to notify parents and students over the age of 18 of their rights under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student educational records. Student records contain the results of the district’s standardized testing programs, scores received from academic aptitude tests, grades, attendance information, and general directory information (name, address, telephone number, birth date, etc.). Parents and students over the age of 18 have the right to see their school records and to obtain a copy of those records. If they believe that any information in those records is inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy, they have the right to request a change.
No information in a student’s permanent record, except directory- type information, may be released by the school district without parental consent. Directory information will be released unless written notification refusing such release is made by the parent to the school principal annually.

Pictures For Local Publications

Please note: On occasion, the school district receives requests for students to have their pictures or images taken for local publications or other types of media. If a parent/guardian does not desire to have their child’s picture or image taken for this purpose, a written statement to that effect must be submitted by the parent/guardian to the principal’s office annually.

Enrollment in the District

School age students, those 5 on or before September 1st of the school year, will be enrolled in the district when the parent/ guardian has submitted proof of the student’s age, residence, immunizations, and completed a Parent Registration Statement.  Students may be enrolled the following school day, but no later than five school days, after submitting all required paperwork (policy 200).  Only district residents are permitted to enroll in the district and the office must be notified of all changes of address.

Brentwood Elementary Schools are responsible for students:

  • During the instructional hours of the school day in school, on district property, and at district sponsored trips and events.
  • On school district vehicles (owned, rented, leased, or contracted).

Student Responsibilities

One goal of education is to teach discipline and responsibility. While these concepts do not appear in the curriculum, they underlie the entire structure of the educational system. Students in are responsible for regular classroom attendance, conscientious effort in class, and adherence to school rules and regulations. No student has the right to interfere with the education of a fellow student. Those who disregard the rights of others will be dealt with promptly, consistently, and fairly.
The Brentwood School Board has established a reasonable code of rules and regulations designed to balance the duty of the school to provide an effective system of public education with the personal rights and freedoms of all pupils. It is the intent of this code of conduct to hold students accountable for their actions, and to teach them that their acts result in natural consequences. Proper behavior results in positive rewards while improper behavior results in negative consequences, restricted privileges, and other penalties. Adherence by both pupils and school personnel will not only create an atmosphere conducive to learning, but it also will protect the rights of all young people. 
All persons attending Brentwood Elementary Schools are expected to fulfill the following obligations:
  • Attend school regularly and always be on time.
  • Complete the required course of study.
  • Put forth conscientious effort in the classroom.
  • Show respect for fellow students and all school personnel.
  • Express ideas and opinions respectfully without slander, offensiveness, vulgarity or profanity.
  • Maintain proper standards of personal hygiene, dress and grooming that is neither harmful nor disruptive to themselves or to others within the school. The school district has adopted a written dress code that sets the standards for all students with regard to dress.
  • Help to maintain an orderly, clean, friendly and safe environment.
  • Be aware of all rules and regulations for student behavior included in this handbook and in the Disciplinary Code/Demerit System and conduct themselves accordingly.

Financial Operations

The Brentwood Borough School District annually develops a budget for the operations of the schools and district.  Preliminary and final budgets are available for review per Board Policy 604.  The district also employees an independent, certified public account to conduct district audits in conformance with prescribed and legal standards (see Policy 619).  The school district is funded in part through local taxpayers.  All local taxpayers are entitled to the Local Taxpayers Bill of Rights as outlined in Board Policy 621.  

Public Complaint Procedures

The Board welcomes inquiries, suggestions, and constructive criticism from families, district residents, or community groups regarding the district’s programs, personnel, operations, and facilities.  It is the intent that complaints, concerns, and suggestions be addressed or resolved at the lowest appropriate level starting with teacher or staff member then through building administrators and district administrators per Board Policy 906. 

Arrival and Dismissal

Please plan for the arrival of your son or daughter at school by 8:10 a.m.  Homeroom begins at 8:15.
We cannot guarantee the safety of children who arrive before the school day officially begins as such students will not be admitted to school prior to 7:45 a.m. and only then will they be admitted if they are having school district breakfast.  Students should not be dropped off prior to 8:10 a.m. unless they are utilizing the school’s breakfast service.
During arrival and pick-up times the school parking lot is closed to visitors.  If you need to park your vehicle please do so on the street as vehicles are not permitted in the lot.
When the students arrive to school they will go directly to their classrooms.  All grades enter through the main doors.
Students are dismissed from school starting with kindergarten at 2:55 pm. Grade 1-5 are dismissed at 3:00pm. 
Kindergarten and first grade students must be released to an adult or guardian.  Students in second grade and above do not require an adult to pick them up from school.   On early dismissal days students are released at 11:10 am; kindergarten students are released at 11:00 am.  
All students must be picked up within 15 minutes of their dismissal time and are not permitted on the playground unless accompanied by an adult/ guardian or have gone home first.  Students may not be left on campus later than 15 minutes past their dismissal time.   Failure to pick up your child(ren) within 15 minutes of dismissal may result in a report to the School Resource Officer or a referral to the Brentwood Borough Police Department or to Child, Youth and Families.


When a student is tardy to school, arriving 10 minutes after school starts, a written excuse from a parent or guardian explaining the tardy must be provided. Tardy excuses must be received no later than the next school day the student is present.   Failure to provide this type of excuse will result in the tardy being entered as unexcused.  

Early Dismissals

Students may be released early from school for lawful reasons including but not limited to: illness, medical appointments and court attendance (Board Policy 204).  Please notify the office on the day of the early dismissal. In the message indicate the date, pick-up time, reason, and person who will be picking up the student.  Depending on the time of the dismissal and if the student returns to school, dismissals may count as a full or half-day of excused absence.


Regular and punctual attendance is essential for a successful educational experience (Board Policy 204). Consistent attendance fosters a sense of responsibility, discipline and good work habits.  The public-school code lists the following reasons for which a student may be excused from school for all or part of a school day:
  • Illness or other urgent reasons including sickness, recovery from accident, death in immediate family, court appearance, and unavoidable family emergency.   
  • Health care - Absence for a portion of the school day may be approved for medical or dental appointments that cannot be arranged after school hours.  Such requests must be made in writing by a parent or legal guardian and taken to the office. The dismissal time requested, the reason for dismissal, and a parent signature must be included on all early dismissal requests.    
  • Observance of a recognized religious holiday.
  • Religious instruction, not to exceed 36 hours per school year.
  • Educational trips that are not school sponsored but are of an educational nature. Requests will be approved on an individual basis and will be contingent upon the student completing all assignments made during his or her absence.  It is strongly recommended that only one trip be taken each year, and that it be only one week in length.

Absence for any reason not defined in the official school district policy is unexcused and constitutes truancy. When a student accumulates three (3) or more unexcused absences, the school district will follow the guidelines outlined in Pennsylvania’s truancy legislation that was signed into law in November 2016. If a student is to be absent from school, parents are asked to contact the office by 8:35 a.m. Email is preferred.


Any time a student is absent from school, he or she MUST provide an excuse from a parent or guardian explaining the reason for the absence. Excuses should be submitted through Skyward.  The legal reasons for absences are located in the Absences Section but include situations such as illness, doctor’s appointments, or family emergencies. 
All absences, including tardiness, will be considered as unexcused and unlawful until the school receives a written excuse explaining the absence. Written excuses must be submitted within three (3) school days after the absence (five school days if written by a medical professional).  If a written excuse is not received within the three (3) day period the absence will remain unexcused.  
Frequent or prolonged absences (three or more consecutive days) require medical verification.  (Policy – 204) Medical excuses must list the specific days of the absence. If a student expects to be out of school for a prolonged period, assignments can be sent home and/or homebound instruction can be arranged through the Guidance Office.   
Please note – once a student has reached 10 excused absences, any further excuses must be signed by a medical professional.  If not, additional absences will be considered unexcused.

Make-Up Work

A student who has missed school for an approved reason is required to make-up all work assigned during his/her absence.  It is the responsibility of the student to see his/her teachers for the missed work, and to obtain help, if needed, to make up the work.  Work must be made up immediately upon returning from a normal absence unless other arrangements have been approved by the teacher.  
All make-up work due to absence must be completed within ten (10) days of the close of the grading period, or the student will receive a failing grade.  Students may not be permitted to make-up work or assessments from unexcused absences.
When students are ill, and parents wish to obtain their work, they can access the day’s assignments from the student’s Canvas classrooms.  Classes will not be live streamed for sudden illnesses or vacations.

Flexible Instruction Day/ Emergency Closing / Delay

A Flexible Instructional Day (FID) is a program available to public school entities to be used as an alternative approach to delivering instruction if a circumstance arises that prevents instruction in the customary manner.
If an FID is called, the change will be communicated through our normal means including phone call, text message and email, posted on our website and social media, and shared by local TV stations KDKA, WPXI and WTAE.
 All teaching and learning on an FID will be asynchronous through Canvas. Students will be required to confirm attendance and all work and assignments should be completed on the day of the FID and submitted as instructed by their teacher(s).
Students will complete an attendance question by 8:50 am and teachers/ staff will report in Skyward that day’s attendance by 9 am.  Students not logged in by that time will be marked as unexcused and families will be notified.  Please note, students who log in after 9 am and complete their schoolwork will be credited for that day’s attendance.  Students who log in but do not complete the required work will be marked unexcused for that day's attendance.
If the district cannot use a Flexible Instruction day, then school will be cancelled and made up at a later date.

Educational Programs

Every six years the education program of the district is examined, a written plan is developed for a comprehensive and integrated k-12 program.  Components of that program include guidance counseling, psychological services and health services that support student development academically, socially, and behaviorally (Board Policy 146).
Students are given both rights and responsibilities that include regular attendance, a conscientious effort in schoolwork, the following of Board Policies and school rules, and respect for others (Board Policy 235).  When students are responsible learners, they are able to access educational programs and engage in the learning process.  Parents can request to view curricular materials including assessment techniques, standards to be achieved, and instructional materials (Board Policy 105.1).  Requests to review materials should be made to the building principal in writing.

Assemblies and Field Trips

Assemblies and field trips are considered an important part of the educational/extracurricular program at Brentwood.  It is in this manner that children see firsthand items and places of educational significance that could enrich classroom teaching and enhance social maturation.
While taking part in these activities, students are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior and maintain proper standards of personal hygiene, dress, and grooming.   Please note that while on school buses video and audio recordings may occur (Board Policy 810.2).
The cost of transportation for field trips is provided by the Parent Teacher Associations.  Parental consent forms for those trips requiring bus transportation are sent home with the students and must be returned with the signed consent of a parent or guardian.  Teachers will have one (1) chaperone for every five students, not to exceed the number of students in attendance.

Child Find and Annual Notice to Parents (CFR 300.125)

In compliance with state and federal law, the Brentwood-Borough School District will provide to each protected handicapped student without discrimination or cost to the student or family, those related aids, services or accommodations which are needed to provide equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities.  In order to qualify as a protected handicapped student the child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability, which substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program.
These services and protections for “protected handicapped students” are distinct from those applicable to all eligible or exceptional students enrolled (or seeking enrollment) in special education programs.
For further information on the evaluation procedures and provision of services to protected handicapped students or eligible students, contact Dr. Christine Winiarski at (412) 881-4940 Ext 2215 or email [email protected]
Each school district, along with other public agencies in the Commonwealth, must establish and implement procedures to identify, locate and evaluate all children who need special education programs and services because of the child’s disability.   This notice is to help find these children, offer assistance to parents and describe the parent’s rights with regard to confidentiality of information that will be obtained during the process.   Each school district shall also conduct awareness activities to inform the public of gifted education services and programs and the manner by which to request these services and programs.
The content of this notice has been written in English.  If a person does not understand any of this notice, he or she should contact the school district and request an explanation.
Identification Activity
Child Find refers to activities undertaken by public education agencies to identify, locate, and evaluate children residing in the State, including children attending private schools, who are suspected of having disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, and determine the child’s need for special education and related services.  The purpose is to locate these children so that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) can be made available.  The types of disabilities, that if found to cause a child to need services are:   Autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, intellectual disability (mental retardation), multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment due to chronic or acute health problems, specific learning disabilities, speech or language, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment including blindness, in the case of a child that is of preschool age developmental delay. Screening activities are also conducted to determine student need for gifted support services.
The Brentwood-Borough School District provides educational services for all eligible students either through district- operated classes, contracts with Intermediate Unit #3, or Approved Private Schools.  Classes providing Learning Support, Life-Skills Support, Emotional Support, Physical Support, Multiple Disabilities Support, and Autistic Support are available for students at beginning school age through age 21, if necessary.  Additional services include hearing, vision, and speech and language support.  Students found to meet eligibility criteria as "mentally gifted" may receive services through district's Gifted Support programs.
Each school district is required to annually provide notice describing the identification activities and the procedures followed to ensure confidentiality of personally identifiable information.  This notice is intended to meet this requirement. 
Identification activities are performed to find a child who is suspected as having a disability that would interfere with his or her learning unless special education programs and services are made available.  Children suspected of being "mentally gifted" who need specially designed instruction not ordinarily provided in the regular education program also go through screening activities.  The activities include:  review of group data, conduct hearing and vision screening, assessment of student’s academic functioning, observation of the student displaying difficulty in behavior and determining the student’s response to attempted remediation. Input from parents is also an information source for identification.  After a child is identified as a suspected child with a disability, he or she is evaluated, but is not evaluated before parents give permission for their child to be evaluated.
The school district will follow procedures outlined in the special education regulations (Chapter 14) for determining eligibility and need for special education services.  Chapter 16 regulations will be followed to determine eligibility and need for Gifted Support services.
Confidentiality (CFR 300.127)
If after screening, a disability is suspected, upon your permission, your child will be evaluated.  Written records of the results are called an education record, which are directly related to your child and are maintained by the school districts.  These records are personally identifiable to your child.   Personally identifiable information includes the child’s name, the name of the child’s parents or other family member, the address of the child or their family, a personal identifier such as student identification number, a list of characteristics that would make the child’s identity easily traceable or other information that would make the child’s identity easily traceable. 
The school district will gather information regarding your child’s physical, mental, emotional and health functioning through testing and assessment, observation of your child, as well as through review of any records made available to the school district through your physician and other providers of services such as day care agencies.
The school district protects the confidentiality of personally identifiable information by one school official being responsible for ensuring the confidentiality of the records, training being provided to all persons using the information, and maintaining for public inspection a current list of employee’s names and positions who may have access to the information. The school district will inform you when this information is no longer needed to provide educational services to your child and will destroy the information at designated intervals, except general information such as your child’s name, address, phone number, grades, attendance record and classes attended, grade level completed, may be maintained without time limitation. 
As the parent of the child you have a number of rights regarding the confidentiality of your child’s records.  The right to inspect and review any education records related to your child are collected, maintained, or used by the school district.  The school district will comply with a request for you to review the records without unnecessary delay before any meetings regarding planning for your child’s special education program (called an IEP meeting). Should you and your school district disagree about your child’s special education supports and services and a due process hearing is requested, the school district will furnish you with the opportunity to inspect and review your child’s records, within 30 days. 
You have the right to an explanation and interpretations of the records, to be provided copies of the records if failure to provide the copies would effectively prevent you from exercising your right to inspect and review the records, and the right to have a representative inspect and review the records.  This review is conducted with the assistance of an appropriate school district staff member.  
Upon your request, the school district will provide you a list of the types and location of education records collected, maintained, or used by the agency.   Additionally, the school district has a right to charge a fee for copies of records made in response to your request except, it will not charge a fee if doing so will prevent you from inspecting and reviewing your child’s records. A current list of reasonable fees relative to records request is available in the district’s central office.  The district will not charge a fee to search or retrieve information.
You have the right to request in writing the amendment of your child’s education records that you believe are inaccurate or misleading, or violate the privacy or other rights of your child.  The school district will decide whether to amend the records within 45 school days of receipt of your request.  If the school district refuses to amend the records you will be notified of the refusal and your right to a hearing.  You will be given at that time, additional information regarding the hearing procedures. Upon written request, the district will schedule and provide written notice of the hearing to challenge information in your child’s education files.   
Parent consent is required before personally identifiable information contained in your child’s education records is disclosed to anyone other than officials of the Brentwood-Borough School District collecting or using the information for purposes of identification of your child, locating your child and evaluating your child or for any other purpose of making available a free appropriate public education to your child.  A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.  Additionally, the school district, upon request, discloses records without consent to officials of another school district in which your child seeks or intends to enroll. 
A parent may file a written complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education at the address below alleging that the rights described in this notice were not provided.
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Bureau of Special Education
Division of Compliance
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA   17126-0333
The Department of Education will investigate the matter, issue a report of findings and necessary corrective action within 60 days.  The Department will take necessary action to ensure compliance is achieved.
Complaints alleging failures of the school district with regard to confidentiality of personally identifiable information may also be filed with:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Ave, SW
Washington, DC   20202-4605
The Brentwood-Borough School District will provide ongoing screening services.  If you wish to learn more, have questions, or believe your child may need to be identified, please contact Dr. Christine Winiarski at (412) 881-4940 Ext 2215 or email [email protected].
In accordance with 34 CFR § 300.624, please be advised of the following retention/destruction schedule for the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA), Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA), and Keystone Exam related materials:
  • PSSA, Keystone Exam, and PASA test booklets will be destroyed one year after student reports are delivered for the administration associated with the test booklets. 
  • PSSA and Keystone Exam answer booklets and PASA media recordings will be destroyed three years after completion of the assessment. 

Early Intervention Identification

In Pennsylvania, a child between three years of age and the school district’s age to begin school who has a developmental delay or one or more of the physical or mental conditions listed above, will be identified as an “eligible young child.”   The parents of these children have the same rights described above.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education is responsible for providing programs and services to eligible young children under Act 212 of 1990, the Early Intervention Services System Act.  Screening for preschool children is available through the DART Program operated by Intermediate Unit #3. To schedule an appointment for screening call Dr. Susan Sams at 412-394-5816.  For additional information, contact your local school district.
A developmental delay is determined by the results of a developmental evaluation.   The results of one or more domain areas (adaptive, personal-social, communication, motor or cognitive) have to show at least a 25% delay or a score of 1.5 standard deviations below the mean (Standard Score of 77 or below). The delay results in the need for specially designed intervention/instruction (SDI) in order to participate in typical activities and routines.
Children with a developmental delay may show weaknesses in the following areas:
Adaptive – Pre-kindergarten aged children with a developmental delay may have difficulty dressing/undressing; using utensils to eat, removing shoes without assistance, distinguishing between nonfood/food substances, or have difficulty with toileting needs.  One may have difficulty moving independently around the house, understanding that hot is dangerous, putting away toys when asked, indicating an illness or ailment to an adult, or demonstrating caution and avoiding common dangers.
Personal-Social – Pre-kindergarten aged children with a developmental delay may have difficulty responding positively to adult praise, rewards or promise of rewards; greeting familiar adults spontaneously, enjoying simple stories read aloud, helping with simple household tasks, initiating social interaction with familiar adults, expressing affection/liking for peers, playing cooperatively with peers, stating first name, last name, age, or whether he is a male/female; using objects in make-believe play, using ‘I’ or ‘me’ to refer to himself, or recognizing facial expressions of common emotions.
Communication -   Pre-kindergarten aged children with a developmental delay may have difficulty following 2-step verbal commands, associating spoken words with pictures, recalling events from a story presented orally; engaging in extended and meaningful nonverbal exchanges with others, using words to get his needs met, responding to ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions appropriately, or asking ‘wh’ questions.    
Motor - Pre-kindergarten aged children with a developmental delay may have difficulty running without falling, kicking a ball without falling, walking up and down steps alternating feet without assistance, walking backward, imitating the bilateral movements of an adult, pointing with his index finger independent of the thumb and other fingers, scribbling linear and/or circular patterns spontaneously, using the pads of fingertips to grasp a pencil,   holding a paper with one hand while drawing or writing with the other hand, fastening clothing without assistance, cutting with scissors, copying a circle, or imitating vertical and horizontal markings.
Cognitive - Pre-kindergarten aged children with a developmental delay may have difficulty attending to one activity for 3 or more minutes, reciting memorized lines from songs or TV shows, showing interest in age-appropriate books, matching/naming colors, responding to one and one more, giving three objects on request, matching shapes, identifying objects by their use, identifying items by size, identifying colors of familiar objects not in view,  or identifying simple objects by touch.
Developmental disabilities are birth defects related to a problem with how a body part or body system works.  They may also be known as functional birth defects.  Many of these conditions affect multiple body parts or systems. Researchers have identified thousands of different birth defects.  Birth defects can have a variety of causes, such as:
Genetic problems caused when one or more genes doesn’t work properly or part of a gene is missing, problems with chromosomes, such as having an extra chromosome or missing part of a chromosome, environmental factors that the expectant mother is exposed to during pregnancy, such as Rubella or German measles or if she uses drugs or alcohol during pregnancy.

Factors Considered When Determining Mental Giftedness      

  1. The child performs a year or more above grade achievement level in one or more subjects as measured by a nationally normed and validated achievement test.
  2. The child demonstrates rates of acquisition/retention of content and skills reflecting gifted ability.
  3. The child demonstrates achievement, performance, or expertise in one or more academic areas as evidenced by products, portfolios, or research, as well as criterion-referenced team judgment.
  4. The child demonstrates early and measured use of high level thinking skills, academic creativity, leadership skills, intense academic interest, communication skills, foreign language aptitude, or technology expertise.
  5. The child demonstrates that intervening factors such as English as a second language, disabilities, gender or race bias, or socio/cultural deprivation are masking gifted abilities. 

Interscholastic Athletics

Currently there are no interscholastic events for students at the elementary level as there no competitions between schools within or outside of the district (Board Policy 123).   There are intramurals that are held in the winter for students in fourth and fifth grade.  Appropriate student behavior is expected during intramurals students can be dismissed from the program due to repeated disciplinary infractions. 

English as a Second Language Services

The Brentwood Borough School District operates a K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL) Program which serves linguistically diverse students enrolled in the district. This program provides English Learners daily instruction in the areas of Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing in English by certified ESL teachers. Generally, this instruction is delivered to students by way of small group, pull-out instruction. Students are grouped with students of similar age, grade, and language proficiency level. They are provided with daily instruction which is aligned to PA Core Standards, PA English Language Development (ELD) Standards, and supported by a high quality, research-based language acquisition curriculum. Students are assessed annually with the WIDA ACCESS test to monitor growth in language proficiency and to determine the continued need for support with English language development. The amount and duration of ESL pull-out instruction may decrease as the student’s language proficiency increases. Students have the opportunity to exit the ESL program annually and the Pennsylvania Department of Education requirements for exit are followed. Each child’s ESL teacher collaborates with his/her classroom and content area teachers to monitor progress in the general curriculum. Information, strategies, and resources are regularly shared to assure that the child’s language needs are met. Parents are informed of the child’s progress in English language development through both grades on the school district report card as well as student performance on yearly WIDA ACCESS testing. Once a child is no longer in need of daily support with language development and they exit the ESL program, their progress is monitored for a period of 4 years.
Upon registration in the district, a Home Language Survey is completed by every parent/ guardian seeking enrollment of their child.  The survey seeks to determine if the student speaks a language other than English or a language other than English is spoken in the home.   Based upon this and other information, the school conducts a family interview to gather more information to determine if the student should be further screened to determine need for services.   The screening instrument assesses the student in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing to determine eligibility for placement in the English as a Second Language (ESL) program.  The goal of our ESL program is to help students acquire the English necessary to attain language proficiency and access grade level content instruction for grade promotion and graduation.
Parents do have the right to opt out of specific, specialized ELD instructional programs. This right to opt-out does not include initial assessment and identification or continuing annual assessment of the child’s English proficiency. If you wish to consider exercising your right to opt your child out of specific ESL instruction, please contact your child’s building principal to arrange a meeting. Individuals requiring further information regarding the ESL program at Brentwood Borough Schools are directed to Dr. Chris Winiarski, (412) 881-4940 ext. 2215 or [email protected].

Mandated Reporters

School employees are mandated reporters for child abuse and must comply with the identification and reporting requirements for suspected child abuse including the requirements for training in the recognition and reporting of child abuse per Board Policy 806.

Physical Education

The Department of Education requires that all students in grades first through fifth participate in physical education classes at least twice weekly.  Any student who is unable to participate in regular classes must submit a written excuse from a licensed practitioner of the healing arts to the Physical Education teacher, health office, and main office prior to class.
No standard uniform is required.  However, students must wear clothing following dress guidelines and gym shoes acceptable for athletic use (no platform tennis shoes, crocs or flip flops).

Emergency Drills

Pennsylvania state code annual safety drills including fire, intruder, and weather emergency, to educate students as to what they are expected to do during emergencies.  Board Policy 705.
  • Fire Drills – Pennsylvania state law requires periodic fire drills to provide practice in the event of an emergency situation. When the fire alarm sounds, classes are to leave the building immediately as a group and remain together in a location at least 300 feet from the building.  False alarms are extremely dangerous and a violation of both the Pennsylvania Crimes Code and school district policy. 
  • School Security Drill - Planned exercises, other than a fire drill or natural disaster drill, are designed to practice procedures to respond to an emergency situation that may include but is not limited to an act of terrorism, armed intruder situation or other violent threat.
  • Emergency Preparedness Drill – District will complete one emergency preparedness drill within the first 90 days of school.

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

As per State mandate and District Policy 236, the district has developed a Student Assistance Program which is operational in every school building.  The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. SAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success.
The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome these barriers so that they may achieve, advance, and remain in school.
SAP Teams are comprised of a SAP liaison, school counselors, building administrator, members of the teaching staff, and the school nurse. The core of the Student Assistance Program is a professionally trained team, including school staff and liaisons from community drug and alcohol and mental health agencies. SAP team members are trained to identify issues and to make recommendations to assist the student and the parent. The SAP team will also assist the parents and student in accessing services within the community. SAP team members do not diagnose, treat or refer to treatment; but they may refer a student to a liaison who may screen or assess for further community-based services and support.
The Student Assistance Program (SAP) shall provide assistance in:
  1. Identifying issues that pose a barrier to a student’s learning and/or academic achievement.
  2. Determining whether the identified problem lies within the responsibility of the school.
  3. Informing the parent/guardian of a problem affecting the student’s learning and/or academic achievement.
  4. Making recommendations to assist the student and the parent/guardian.
  5. Providing information on community resources and options to deal with the problem.
  6. Establishing links with resources to help resolve the problem.
  7. Collaborating with the parent/guardian and agency when students are involved in treatment through a community agency.
  8. Providing a plan for in-school support services for the student during and after treatment.
There are four phases to the student assistance process: 
  1. Referral - Anyone can refer a student to SAP when they are concerned about someone’s behavior -- any school staff, a student’s friend, a family member, or community member. The students themselves can even go directly to the SAP team to ask for help. The SAP team contacts the parent for permission to proceed with the SAP process.
  2. Team Planning – The SAP team gathers objective information about the student’s performance in school from all school personnel who have contact with the student. Information is also collected from the parents. The team meets with the parent to discuss the data collected and meets with the student. Together, a plan is developed that includes strategies for removing the learning barriers and promoting the student’s academic and personal success to include in-school and/or community-based services and activities.
  3. Intervention and Recommendations – The plan is put into action. The team assists in linking the student to in-school and/or community-based services and activities. The team might recommend a drug and alcohol or mental health screening or assessment. \
  4. Support and Follow-Up – The SAP team continues to work with and support the students and their family. Follow-up includes monitoring, mentoring, and motivation for academic success.
It is the parent’s right to be involved in the process and to have full access to all school records under the applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Involvement of parents in all phases of the Student Assistance Program underscores the parents’ role and responsibility in the decision–making process affecting their child’s education and is key to the successful resolution of barriers. For students receiving treatment through a community agency, the student assistance team, in collaboration with parents and the agency, can assist in helping plan in-school support services during and after treatment.

Title I Services

Brentwood Elementary Schools’ Title I program focuses on the development of reading skills through the reading room and/or intervention times.  Title I meetings are held annually to explain the goals and purposes of the Title I program to families.  Those meetings may occur during PTA meetings, Open House, Parent-Teacher conferences, or at another time.  Families are invited to collaborate with the school in the design, development, and operation of the program (policy 918).  Questions regarding the Title I program can be directed to the building principal or the Title I reading specialist.   

Student Records

Report Cards and Progress Reports

Report cards are issued at nine-week intervals for grades kindergarten through five and they are accessed through Skyward.  Paper copies of report cards will not be sent home unless there is a written request submitted to the office.  Report cards, in addition to attendance and discipline records, become part of a student’s record per Board Policy 216.  
Progress reports are issued for students who are not attaining the level of achievement expected in each subject area; they may be emailed midway during the nine-week grading period.  The intent of the progress report is to alert parents that a problem exists, and that a conference with the instructor is needed.  Conferences may be scheduled before or after school.
All students shall be graded according to the following table:
90 - 100%
3.6 - 4.0
Above Average
80 - 89%
2.6 - 3.5
70 - 79%
1.6 - 2.5
Below Average
60 - 69%
0.6 - 1.5
Below 60%
0.0 - 0.5

Skyward Family Access

Skyward Family Access allows parents and guardians to use the Internet to keep track of important information that impacts your child’s education.  This is a free service to you and is intended to make it easier for you to be involved in your child’s daily educational activities.  The information that will be available includes the following:
  • Attendance information, shown by day or month.
  • Food Service information, including purchases and account balance.
  • Grading information
  • Emergency contact information
If you need your login information, please contact the main office.

Food Services

The school’s food service program is designed to reinforce the district’s commitment to nutrition and student wellness.  Food served in schools shall be selected to meet the nutritional needs of students and follow the guidelines outlined in Board Policy 808.

Classroom Treats

The Board of Directors recognizes the need for student wellness and health.  As such, students are not permitted to bring food as classroom treats.  Board Policy 246.  We are suggesting nonfood items to share with the class on birthdays or to mark other events such as decorative pencils, erasers or trinkets from the Dollar Store or a board game or other item for use during recess.
Though we have made changes to the school cafeteria menu regarding peanut and tree nut foods, students may still bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and other nut related foods in their bagged lunches from home.  Students with food allergies should notify the health office for an allergy plan.

Lunch Service

Both elementary schools serve breakfast and hot lunches each day.  Breakfast is free for all students.  The cost of lunch is $2.65.  The cost of milk is .75¢.  Information about the food service program can be found on the Food Service portion of the website.
The breakfast period runs from 7:45 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.  daily
The lunch periods for are:
11:10 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.   Kindergarten and First Grade
11:50 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.  Second and Third Grade
12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.   Fourth and Fifth Grade 
PLEASE NOTE there will be no lunch service on half-days.
Free or reduced price meals are available to pupils whose families meet certain federal guidelines.  Please note that the application forms must be completed annually.
The Brentwood Borough School District has implemented a point of sale program for school lunches.  With this program you are able to deposit money into your child’s account using School Cafe.  This school year we are only able to accept checks in person, cash cannot be processed.

Health Services

Should your child become ill or be injured during school hours, he or she should report to their teacher who will then refer the student to the Nurse's Office or, if she is unavailable, the Principal's Office.  Parents or guardians will be advised if any follow-up medical attention is necessary.  A child will not be allowed to leave the building unless a parent or designated guardian accompanies them.  Please ensure that parent/guardian contact information and emergency contact information is up to date in Skyward.

Medications and Allergies

When the health of a child requires that medication be given during school hours, special arrangements must be made.  No medication will be given in school until the proper paperwork is completed and signed by a parent or guardian.  This ruling applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medications as well as emergency medications such as EpiPens and Inhalers.  Medication must be in the original container and clearly marked with the child’s name and the physician’s directions for administering the medicine.  All prescription medication requires proper paperwork to be completed by the physician and parent/guardian, the necessary forms can be found on the district website under Health Services, Board Policy 210 and 210.1. 
Students with food allergies or other medical needs or chronic conditions such as diabetes, seizure disorders, or sickle cell anemia should notify the office so that a medical care plan can be developed, Board Policy 209.1 and 209.2.

Stock Epinephrine

The Brentwood Borough School District maintains a stock supply of epinephrine auto-injectors in each school building. This is the drug of choice to be used for the emergency treatment of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) to insect bites, stings, foods, or other allergens. The law and Board Policy 210.1 give trained school employees the authority to administer epinephrine to any student whom they believe, in good faith, is experiencing anaphylaxis. By law, the Brentwood Borough School District is required to notify parents/guardians of their ability to exempt their children from emergency administration of stock epinephrine auto injectors. If you wish to opt your student out of emergency administration of epinephrine, please complete the Opt Out form included with board policy 210.1 and return to the school nurse.

Required Vaccines and Examinations

Pennsylvania law requires that children receive physical and dental examinations at various times.  Such examinations may be conducted by the child's family physician or dentist, or by the school's medical examiner. Physical examinations are required in kindergarten, and dental examinations are required in kindergarten and third.  Proof of blood lead level testing is also required in kindergarten (Board Policy 209).
The nurse annually checks each child's weight, height, and vision.  In addition, hearing examinations are administered in kindergarten and grades one, two and three.
All students entering school for the first time are required to have the following immunizations as prescribed by the state regulations.  Students who have not been immunized may risk exclusion from school.   Students who are in foster care or who have transferred from out of state shall have provisional admission up to 30 days (Board Policy 203).
A). 4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis* or more properly spaced doses of diphtheria/tetanus vaccine (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)*
B). 4 doses of polio (4th dose on or after 4th birthday ad at least 6 months after previous dose given)**
C). 2 doses of measles, mumps, rubella***
D). 3 doses of hepatitis B
E). 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or evidence of immunity
* Usually given as DTP or DTaP or if medically advisable, DT or Td
** A fourth dose is not necessary if the third dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after previous dose
*** Usually given as MMR

Communicable Diseases

In order to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, the County of Allegheny has set forth the following guidelines for control:
exclude from school at least 4 days after the rash appears. Non-immunized children should be excluded for 21 days following the onset of rash in the last case of measles       
German Measles
Exclude from school for 7 days after the onset of rash. Exclude unvaccinated students/staff for 23 days after exposure.
Chicken Pox
Exclude from school until vesicles become dry usually after 5 days in unimmunized children and 1-4 days with breakthrough chickenpox in immunized children
Exclude from school for 5 days from onset of swelling.
Strep Throat
exclude from school until 24 hours after treatment is started
Whooping Cough
Exclude from school until 5 days from start of appropriate antimicrobial therapy, or for 3 weeks from onset of symptoms.
Exclude until therapy is initiated.  If can’t avoid close contact with other students, exclude until all discharge is gone and eyes are dry
Fifth Disease
children with Fifth Disease do NOT need to be excluded from school since they are not contagious once the rash occurs. Exclude while fever is present.
Head Lice
Treat at end of day and readmit once first treatment completed. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend sending children home early if lice are discovered.
exclude from school until no fever for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine, and/or symptoms are improving

School Insurance

Student accident insurance is available for all children at a nominal fee.  This insurance covers medical, dental, and hospital expenses resulting from accidental injury which may occur at school.

Student Insurance

Those students who participate in interscholastic sports MUST have insurance or an appropriate waiver from their parents.
School insurance is available to all students at minimum cost.  Forms may be obtained in the office at the beginning of the school year.  Students without health insurance may qualify for the Child Health Insurance Program, or C.H.I.P.  For more information please contact the building nurse at  412-881-7776.

Integrated Pest Management

The school district utilizes and integrated pest management procedures.  If you would like to be notified of the application of pesticides in accordance with applicable laws, please notify the office to be added to the list (Board Policy 816).

Parent Teacher Association

The Elroy School PTA annually sponsors cultural and recreational activities designed to enrich the educational life in the elementary school.  Their efforts are aimed at bringing the home and school into a closer relationship by involving parents and teachers in programs of benefit to children.  Your cooperation and participation in the activities of the PTA will be in the best educational interest of your son or daughter. If you are interested in joining the PTA, please contact, Danielle Danylo at [email protected]. The school building and grounds can be used by the PTA and other groups for educational, social, recreational, or other purposes as defined by Board Policy 707. 


To ensure the safety and security of our students and staff and the orderly operation of the Brentwood School District educational programs, all parents and guardians and other individuals planning to visit our schools during the school day are required to follow the district registration and check-in/check-out procedures. Please take time to review the visitation procedures below.
A). When planning to visit a classroom or another area of the school building, during the school day, please call the main office and pre-register for an appointment prior to the date of the visit.  Absent an emergency, requests to meet with a classroom teacher or other staff member should be made at least 48 hours in advance to allow the school sufficient time to make arrangements for substitute coverage.
B). School policy does not permit children (students from other schools, friends, relatives) to visit the classroom for the day.
As part of the registration process at the office window, all visitors will be asked to provide their driver’s license or other state-issued photo-identification prior to you entering the school for any reason. The secretary will scan the ID through the Raptor Visitor System. A visitor pass will be printed and will include a picture of the visitor, name, date, and time of entrance to the building.
A). Visitor passes must be worn in a visible place.
B). All visitors must have a pass before proceeding to any other part of the building.
C). Visitors must always remain in approved areas only and act in a manner appropriate to the safe functioning of the school environment.  Any individual who engages in uncooperative or disruptive behavior will be required to leave the premises.
D). Upon conclusion of the visit, the visitor must return to the building office, and sign-out by returning your visitor badge. Once the visitor has signed out, they must leave the school building immediately.
These procedures are implemented pursuant to Board Policy 907, which is available for review on the district’s website. These procedures apply to all Brentwood School District buildings. Please note that parents and guardians dropping off items for a student may do so at the window without going into the office.
For the safety of your child and in order to maintain the proper learning environment, no person will be permitted in the building without a visitor's pass.  Upon arriving at either elementary school, all visitors must register with the secretary and receive a visitor's pass before proceeding to their destination.  Those without previously scheduled visits may be asked to schedule a visit and return at a later date.
The district reserves the right to deny an individual entry to any school building, when there is reason to believe that such individual’s presence would be detrimental to the operation of the school and the learning environment. The Board prohibits gambling, the possession and use of controlled substances, alcoholic beverages, and weapons on school premises (policy 904).

No Smoking and No Vaping

Smoking/Vaping is prohibited on all school grounds and within fifty feet of school buildings, stadiums and bleachers.  This includes tobacco, nicotine, and nicotine delivery products.  See policy 904.

No Animals

Students are not permitted to bring animals to school for visitation without authorization from the principal’s office.  Animals are not permitted on school property during school hours which include arrival and dismissal times.  Service animals are permitted on property for events that are open to the general public in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.

No Solicitation

Unless authorized by the Elementary Principal or Superintendent, no advertisement of any material containing advertising, whether free or otherwise, is to be distributed to students in the school.  There will be no selling of promotional items to staff and/or students unless directly related to the Parent Teacher Association fund raising activities.
Under no circumstances should an individual or outside agency be given the names, addresses, or telephone numbers of students, their parents, or staff this includes the surveying of students or collection of information for marketing purposes (policy 235.1).

Behavior Expectations

Standards of Dress (Policy – 221 Dress & Grooming)

Brentwood School District requires certain standards of dress, which support equitable educational access and do not reinforce stereotypes. The primary responsibility for a student’s attire resides with the student and the parent(s) or guardian(s). The school district is responsible for seeing that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of any student and that student attire does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating atmosphere for any student.
To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this policy, school staff shall enforce the standards of dress consistently and in a manner that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income and/or body type/size.
Any restrictions to the way a student dresses must be necessary to support the overall educational goals of the school and must be explained within these standards. These guidelines shall apply to regular school days and summer school days, as well as any school-related events and activities which may include, but are not limited to: graduation ceremonies, dances and prom, and sporting events, as is noted in the guidelines.
Students who feel they have been subject to discriminatory enforcement of the standards of dress should contact the Superintendent of Schools.
Dress Guidelines
These basic principles apply any time that a student is on school premises.  Extremes in dress and/or grooming, which may be health or safety hazards or detract from a desirable educational setting, are inappropriate for school.
Clothes must be worn in a way such that a student’s trunk is covered from armpits to thighs while a student is in standing position. Undergarments, genitals, buttocks must be fully covered in any position.
All items listed in the “must wear” and “may wear” categories below must meet this basic principle.
Students must wear, while following the basic principle above:
  • Shirt and/or dress (with opaque fabric in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms)
  • Bottoms or the equivalent with opaque fabric (for example, a skirt, sweatpants, opaque yoga pants/leggings, jeans, or shorts)
  • Footwear with hard soles
Students may wear, as long as these items do not violate the basic principle:
  • Hairstyles and any permitted headwear must allow the face to be visible to staff, and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff
  • Hoodie sweatshirts (the hood must be down at all times on school premises)
  • Relaxed pants, also referred to as pajama pants
  • Ripped jeans, as long as undergarments, genitals, buttocks are not exposed
  • Tank tops, straps on undergarments worn under other clothing (as long as this is done in a way that does not violate the “Basic Principle” section above)
  • Athletic attire
Students Cannot Wear:
  • Sunglasses, hats, raised hoods, or other headgear (with the exception of medication or religious headwear, which must allow the eyes to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight to any student or staff member)
  • Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol, sexual activity, gang activity, violence (or any illegal item or activity)
  • Hate speech, profanity, pornography
  • Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class or consistently marginalized groups
  • Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments (visible waistbands and visible straps are allowed)
  • Swimwear (except as required in class or athletic practice)
  • Accessories that could be considered dangerous, may cause injury or could be used as a weapon
  • Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance)
To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this policy, school staff shall enforce the School’s Standards of Dress consistently with the philosophy outlined at the beginning of this section.
  • Students will only be removed from spaces, hallways, or classrooms as a result of a violation as outlined in previous sections.
  • No student should be affected by enforcement because of racial identity, sex assigned at birth, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, cultural or religious identity, household income, body size/type, and/or body maturity.
  • Any restrictions to the way a student dresses must be necessary to support the overall educational goals of the school and must be explained within these standards.

Student Discipline

Rules governing student conduct have been developed per Board policy 218.  All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes a safe and orderly educational environment. The codes and procedures related to student discipline apply both in school and at school sponsored events.
School officials have the authority to lawfully search students or their belongings, including lockers, backpacks, clothing, etc. if there is a reasonable suspicion per Board policy 226.  It is the expectation that students volunteer information relating to matters of health, safety, and welfare of the school community and protection of school property. 
Students who are victims of violent crimes that occur on school property as defined by Board policy 144 are entitled to transfer schools within the district.  

Disciplinary Measures

Should a student behave in the unacceptable ways indicated in this discipline code, the school district administration may enforce any of the following disciplinary measures:
  • Student conference
  • Parent phone call/parent conference
  • Prior to a problem becoming quite serious, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will often be asked to come to the school to work with school officials.  Many times, a student will begin to show progress upon the involvement of the parent(s)/guardian(s) in the problem.
  • Assignment to lunch detention
  • Suspension from school.  Serious violations and continued offenses may lead to a suspension from school.  Unless it involves an emergency removal, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified in advance that the student is being suspended from school.
  • Referral to juvenile authorities or police
  • When a serious offense is involved, outside authorities may be called for assistance.
  • Removal from school by the parent(s)/guardian(s) on a temporary basis
  • For the protection of the children involved, pending investigation of a situation that may be disruptive to the school program.  This allows school officials to solve a potentially serious problem with the least amount of confusion.
  • Hearing with the Superintendent of Schools and possible expulsion
  • Expulsion must be taken very seriously by the student and by the parent(s)/guardian(s).  Students cannot remain in the school if they are a continuous threat to the health, safety, and well-being of the other students and staff.

Demerit Procedures

The school has the authority to take corrective action against any behavior, whether covered specifically in this written code or not, which is found to be disruptive to the educational process of school.
In addition to the code, 1 to 15 demerits may be assigned by the principal, as judged necessary, in handling discipline problems in the school which have not been addressed in the discipline code.
The principal has the authority to make age-appropriate adjustments to any of the above corrective actions when deemed necessary. 
The principal, at his/her discretion, may award merits to students who have shown good citizenship and/or attendance for an extended period. The principal may determine to use earned merits in conjunction with the demerit system.

Level I Offenses

Level I offenses are violations of school rules and regulations that minimally hinder or disrupt the operation of the school and the delivery of the educational program.  Consequences for Level I offenses normally include various forms of loss of privileges (lunch/recess detention, etc.) and the assignment of up to 10 demerits.  However, if the offense is deemed excessive or continuous or the student has ignored prior warnings, the student may be suspended and/or assigned additional demerits.

Academic Integrity Regulations

Students’ grades reflect their individual efforts and achievements. It is the responsibility of each student to act in an ethical and responsible manner on all assignments. Therefore, cheating, plagiarism, and assisting others to do so are all violations of academic integrity. This includes the following:
Cheating, defined as using another individual’s work as your own. This includes copying homework and assignments, sharing test information, using “cheat sheets”, or prohibited texts or materials. Plagiarism, defined as representing the words, ideas, or creations of another person as one’s own.  This includes copying another person’s work or ideas without giving proper credit, cutting and pasting from the Internet or other database sources, copying from texts, or paraphrasing without giving credit to the original source.  Violating federal copyright laws by using images downloaded from the Internet or other sources for personal use, except for classroom assignments.
Consequences for the above include an automatic failure on the assignment, test, project, etc. 

Personal Electronic Devices

All personal electronic devices, including mobile phones, smart watches, gaming equipment, and other personal electronic devices must be turned off and placed in the student’s backpack/ locker during the school day. 
Students may only use personal electronic devices during the school day with teacher or staff member permission per Board policy 237.
  • 1st offense – Confiscation of device.   Returned to student at the end of that school day.
  • 2nd offense – Confiscation of device.  Parent must pick up device.  Parent conference with administration.
  • 3rd offense – Confiscation of device.  Parent must pick up device. Student must turn in device daily to the front office upon arrival.  Refusal to turn device in or non-compliance will be considered insubordination.
  • Subsequent offenses to be considered additional insubordination.  Up to 5 demerits.

Disrespectful Conduct

Disrespect involves expression rather than non-compliance which is a Level II offense (see Insubordination).  A student is considered disrespectful when he/she begrudgingly complies with a teacher’s request, ignores a teacher’s question or conversation, makes unwelcome, negative, or sarcastic comments to a staff member, or maintains a negative attitude.   Disrespect also includes any inappropriate behavior directed at other students or non-faculty staff members as well as the encouragement of other students to break rules or behave disrespectfully.
Up to 5 demerits.


Physicality is when a student engages another in physical aggression but does not throw a punch and/or excessive violence has not occurred.  This is the judgment of the teacher or administration.  
Up to 10 demerits. If deemed a fight, it is considered a Level II offense.

Public Display of Affection

Engaging in a display of affection in school, on school grounds, or at a school event. 
Up to 5 demerits.


A student shall not use any form of profanity, written or verbal.  Included in this prohibition would be the use of obscene gestures, signs, pictures or publications, obscene language, phrases, or partial phrases, or any language or comment deemed inappropriate for school.
Up to 5 demerits.

Skipping or Cutting Class

Skipping or cutting class is defined as not being in the assigned classroom, study hall, lunch period, etc., but not leaving the school building/grounds. Excessive class cutting may result in a citation and hearing with the magistrate.  Skipping class also include failure to serve teacher assigned detentions.
First offense - 5 demerits
Second offense - 10 demerits
Subsequent offenses - 15 demerits

Unexcused Tardiness to School (Policy – 204)

A student is tardy unexcused to school when he or she does not arrive prior to the automatic locking of the doors at 8:30 a.m. and does not provide a written excuse within three days upon arrival.  If a student is tardy unexcused to school 10 or more times, the administration has the authority to administer any punishment deemed necessary thereafter, including detention and the assignment of demerits.   
  • 5 unexcused tardies – warning letter sent home.
  • 10 unexcused tardies – student given one day of recess detention.
  • 20 unexcused tardies – student given two days of recess detention and will be added to the Restricted List for one calendar week.  Parent meeting required. 
  • 30 unexcused tardies – students will be added to the Restricted List for 45 school days as well as a citation and hearing with the local magistrate and referral to community-based attendance improvement program.

Level II Offenses

Level II offenses call for the assignment of 10 to 15 demerits. The consequences are usually more severe than those for Level I offenses and may include temporary suspension of extra-curricular participation or other student privileges.  In some cases, specific punishments are outlined below.  Depending on the incident, additional demerits may be assigned, a citation may be issued, and expulsion may also be recommended.

Damage to Private or School Property/ Theft

A student shall not steal, cause damage to, or destroy school property or private property during school, on school grounds, or at a school function. 
10 to 15 demerits demerits and restitution.

Disruption of School and/or Class

A student shall not engage in any conduct that may cause or create a substantial disruption or material interference with any school function or activity, or that creates a reasonable likelihood that it will interfere with the health, safety, well-being, or rights of other students.
10 to 15 demerits demerits


A student is determined to be involved in a fight if they throw a punch or use excessive violence against another student.  If a fight or physical aggression is initiated against a student, that student must attempt to remove themself from the situation in order to avoid culpability in the fight or physical altercation.
Students in a self-defense situation who continue to fight when an opportunity presented itself to dis-engage will be considered to have been an equal participant in a fight.
Any student found to be video recording a fight will also be subject to disciplinary consequences.
15 demerits for each offense, 1-3 day suspension.

Harassing, Intimidating, Threatening, Bullying, Degrading, or Disgraceful Acts

A student shall not engage in any act which harasses, intimidates, threatens, bullies, degrades, or disgraces a teacher, fellow student, visitor, administrator, school employee, or member of the Board of School Directors by written, verbal, or gestural means.  Board policy 247 and 249 
10 to 15 demerits and a 1 – 3 day suspension or detention


A student shall not fail to comply with the directions of teachers, student teachers, aides, bus drivers, principals, or other authorized school personnel. They shall not fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the school, especially in direct defiance of authorized school personnel.  Repeat violations of any school disciplinary code as well as failure to heed warnings or comply with prior notifications will also be construed as insubordination. 
10 to 15 demerits

Leaving School Grounds without Permission

First offense- 10 demerits
Subsequent offenses- 15 demerits

Misuse of School Building/ Property

A student shall not misuse school building locations or hardware within the building, including lockers, rest rooms and other school issued materials.   Policy 224
10 to 15 demerits

Profanity Directed at Faculty/ Staff

A student shall not use any form of profanity, written or verbal. Included in this prohibition would be the use of obscene gestures, signs, pictures or publications, obscene language, phrases, or partial phrases. 
First Offense- 15 demerits and 1-3 day suspension
Second Offense- 15 demerits and 3-5 day suspension

Smoking/ Use/ Possession of Tobacco, Vapes or other Smoking Devices and Products

Students shall not be permitted to smoke, use or possess tobacco/nicotine products of any kind (including electronic nicotine delivery devices) in the school building or on school property, including on school buses, at school sponsored functions, during field trips, and other scheduled activities of the school.   Students are also not permitted to be in possession of any incendiary device or lighter, including electronic lighters.
First offense- 15 demerits, 1 – 3-day suspension, citation and fine
Second offense- 15 demerits, 3 – 5-day suspension, citation and fine
Third offense- 15 demerits, 10 day suspension, citation and fine

Technology Code

Engaging in any activity prohibited by the technology code.  See Board Policy 815. (Up to 15 demerits)
Recording discipline offenses in the building and/or on school grounds will result in students being assigned 1-3 day suspension and between 10-15 demerits.


An act of truancy shall consist of a student being unexcused for a minimum of 4 periods of a full day. Students may also be required to make up any truant time in detention (including Saturday detention).  The school district will follow the guidelines outlined in Pennsylvania’s truancy legislation that was signed into law in November 2016. (Policy 204)
  • After 3 unexcused absences a student is considered truant. A letter will be sent home.
  • After 6 unexcused absences a student is considered habitually truant.  A letter will be sent home, an Attendance Improvement Conference will be scheduled as well possible referral to a community-based attendance improvement program, possible citation with the local magistrate, or child protective services.
  • After 10 unexcused absences, a student will be added to the Restricted List for one week
  • After 15 unexcused absences, a student will be added to the Restricted List for 45 days and issued a citation

Level III Offenses

Level III offenses consist of acts that threaten the health, welfare, safety, and security of the Brentwood Borough School District community.  Level III offenses call for an immediate suspension of 10 days and the assignment of 60 demerits.  A hearing with the Superintendent of Schools and a possible expulsion hearing will result in cases involving Level III offenses.  In addition, Level III offenses require a parental conference with the school administration and may result in legal action.


A student shall not cause serious physical injury to any student, teacher, or other school employee or visitor on school grounds or during a school function or event. 
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Breaking and Entering

Illegal or unauthorized entry into school facilities. 
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Dangerous Weapons or Instruments

A student shall not possess, use, transmit, or conceal any object that might be considered a dangerous weapon or instrument of violence.  This list is not totally inclusive, but some examples are sharp instruments, cutting instruments, cutting tools, knives, pipes, guns, ice picks, switchblades, brass knuckles, nun chucks, handguns, BB guns, pellet guns, shotguns, rifles, firecrackers, explosive devices, chemicals, and gases including any type of Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray, commonly know as pepper spray. Board policy 218.1 
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Drugs, Alcoholic Beverages, Drug Paraphernalia and Look-a-Like Drugs

A student shall not possess, use, transmit, distribute, or sell drug paraphernalia. 
A student shall not possess, use, transmit, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of any drug or alcoholic beverage of any kind with the exception of the student who is taking prescription medication under the direction of a physician. Any prescription and/or over the counter medication must be registered through the school nurse and the administration of the medication must be supervised by the school nurse or their designee.
A student shall not knowingly possess, sell, make, offer to sell, give, package, or deliver a counterfeit controlled substance; nor shall he/she represent a counterfeit controlled substance by describing it as being the same physical or mental effect associated with use of a controlled substance; nor shall a student falsely represent a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance.
The restrictions noted above shall refer to:
  • The school grounds during, before, or after school hours
  • Off school grounds at a school activity
  • On school buses or rented carriers
  • Use prior to attending a school activity, function, or event.
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Institutional Vandalism

Intentionally defacing or destroying school property. 
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Terroristic Threats and Acts

A terroristic threat is a threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize another, cause evacuation of a building, or cause serious public inconvenience, in reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience.  A terroristic act is an offense against property or involving danger to another.  See Board Policy 218.2
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Violations of PA Crimes Code

Any violation of the Pennsylvania crimes codes not covered specifically in the disciplinary code.
School or local police may also be involved with any situations that are a violation of the crimes code. 
10 day suspension plus 60 demerits

Consequences Associated with the Accumulation of Demerits

1 to 10 Demerits- Students will be counseled; Parent/guardian will be contacted after 10 demerits and for all level II or higher infractions.
15 Demerits- 1-to-3-day suspension; parent/guardian notification and phone conference (or in-person upon request).
30 Demerits- 3 to 5-day suspension; formal letter to parent/guardian explaining consequences of 45 and 60 demerits; parent/guardian conference prior to student returning to school; possible exclusion from extracurricular activities and other student privilege including, but not limited to, in school special events, after school events, etc.
35 to 40 Demerits- letter, email, or phone call to parent/guardian.
45 Demerits- 10-day suspension; formal letter to parent/guardian explaining consequences of 60 demerits; parent/guardian conference prior to the student returning to school; psychological referral.  The student will also be added to the Restricted list for all extracurricular activities. 
55 Demerits- final warning notification to parents.
60    Demerits-   10-day suspension; hearing with the Superintendent of Schools; exclusion from extracurricular activities; possible magisterial action and recommendation for expulsion

Restricted List

Restricted List shall be defined as exclusion from all extracurricular activities, such as, but not limited to intramurals, clubs, classroom special events, field trips, conferences, competitions, and or anything beyond the regular curriculum or after the school day.

Threats / Bullying

Ethnic intimidation, terroristic threats, terroristic acts, and bullying will not be tolerated.  Bullying includes systematic name-calling, teasing, extortion, physical abuse, and purposefully excluding individuals from social opportunities through cliques.
The Brentwood Borough School District strives to provide a safe, positive learning climate for students in the schools.  Therefore, it shall be the policy of the district to maintain an educational environment in which harassment in any form is not tolerated.
Harassment of a student consists of verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, national origin/ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or religion when such conduct:
      A). Is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program or activity or creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment.
      B). Has the purpose or effect or substantially or unreasonable interfering with an individual’s academic performance.
      C). Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s learning opportunities.
Sexual harassment of a student shall consist of unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors, and other inappropriate verbal, written, graphic or physical conduct of a sexual nature.
Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of their fellow students and to ensure an atmosphere free from all forms of unlawful harassment.
Students shall be informed that they may choose to report harassment complaints to any building principals, teachers, counselors, nurses, and administrators.
When a student believes that she or he is being harassed, the student should immediately inform the harasser that his/her behavior is unwelcome, offensive, or inappropriate.  If the behavior continues, the student shall follow the established complaint procedure.
A substantiated charge against a district student shall subject such student to disciplinary action, consistent with the Student Code of Conduct, and may include educational activities and/or counseling services related to unlawful harassment.
If it is concluded that a student has made false accusations, such student shall be subject to disciplinary actions, consistent with the Student Code of Conduct.
Additional information regarding the bullying policy can be found in the policy manual number 249.

Technology Policy / Code of Conduct

We are pleased to offer students at Brentwood Borough Public Schools access to the district computer network resources and the Internet.  To use these resources, all students must sign and return the form, and those under age 18 must obtain parental permission.  Parents, please read and complete the document carefully, review its contents with your son/daughter, and sign and initial where appropriate.  Any questions or concerns about the permission form or any aspect of the computer network should be referred to your school’s Technology Specialist.
General Computer Use
The computers are provided for students to do computer-based learning, conduct research and complete assignments.  Access to computers is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege - not a right.  As such, general school rules for behavior and communications apply and users must comply with district standards and honor the agreements they have signed.  
Students are prohibited from using or installing software purchased or downloaded for home use.  The use of this software violates copyright laws. 
General Network Use
The network is provided for students to conduct research, complete assignments, and store data. Access to network services is given to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Students are responsible for good behavior on school computer networks just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway.  Access is a privilege - not a right.  As such, general school rules for behavior and communications apply and users must comply with district standards and honor the agreements they have signed. Beyond the clarification of such standards, the district is not responsible for monitoring or controlling the communications of individuals utilizing the network.
Network storage areas may be treated like school lockers.  Network administrators may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that users are using the system responsibly.  Users should not expect that files stored on district servers will always be private.  Unapproved or inappropriate material will be removed by the technology staff.
Internet / World Wide Web
Access to the Internet will enable students to use thousands of libraries and databases.  Within reason, freedom of speech and access to information will be honored.  Families should be warned that some material accessible via the Internet might contain items that are illegal, defamatory, inaccurate or potentially offensive to some people. While our intent is to make Internet access available to further educational goals and objectives, students may find ways to access other materials as well. Filtering software is in use, but no filtering system is capable of blocking 100% of the inappropriate material available on the Internet. We believe that the benefits to students from access to the Internet, in the form of information resources and opportunities for collaboration, exceed any disadvantages. Ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. To that end, the Brentwood Borough Public Schools support and respect each family's right to decide whether to apply for access.
Policy Violations
Violations of this policy by students will be handled within the guidelines of the elementary discipline policy.  Multiple offenses may result in the loss of all district computer privileges, and or, school suspension.

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